Ruges Mod Supreme Ruler 2020

Ruges mod supreme ruler 2020 goldRuges Mod Supreme Ruler 2020

Top 10
01. (0) Euro Truck Simulator 2
02. (0) Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
03. (+1) The Sims 3
04. (-1) World of Warcraft
05. (0) Might & Magic Heroes 6
06. (+1) Mount & Blade: Warband
07. (0) Scania Truck Driving Simulator
08. (+2) Euro Truck Simulator
09. (-1) Civilization 5
10. (+4) Starcraft 2

Donations so far: €503,45

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Also known as: Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold Edition
Available on:PC
Available Addons:SupremeRuler 2020: Global Crisis
Developer: BattlegoatStudios
Publisher: ParadoxInteractive
Community sites:
Download Gold Edition Demo (363MB)
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Patch 6.8.1
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List of changes in 6.8.1
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List of changes in 5.6.2
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Listof changes in 5.5.8
Downloadpatch 5.5.2 (67MB)
List of changes in 5.5.2
Patch5.4.1 / Update #4
Downloadpatch 5.4.1 (70MB)
Listof changes in 5.4.1
Downloadpatch 5.3.1 to 5.3.2 (1MB)
Listof changes in 5.3.2
Patch5.3.1 / Update #3
Downloadpatch 5.3.1 (63MB)
Listof changes in 5.3.1
Downloadpatch 5.2.1 (41MB)
List of changes in this patch
Patch 5.1.1 / Update #1
Downloadpatch 5.1 (32MB)
Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold Edition
Download MOD Pack version 1.1 (69MB)
List of changes in MOD Pack 1.1
Patch 6.8.1
Download patch 6.8.1 (243MB)
List of changes in 6.8.1
Download patch 6.7.63 (76MB)
List of changes in 6.7.63
Downloadpatch 6.6.2 (2MB)
Listof changes in patch 6.6.2
Copyright: The Patches Scrolls, 1995-2013
Ruges mod supreme ruler 2020 downloadRuges mod supreme ruler 2020 gold

Ruges Mod Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold

What versions of Supreme Ruler have you played? Welcome to our forums! Supreme Ruler 2020. Last post; General Discussion - 2020. Ruges GC Mod (5.08(11-2-1. Supreme Ruler 2020 is a grand strategy computer wargame. More Supreme Ruler 2020 Mods. The 5.5.8 incremental patch for Supreme Ruler 2020. File name Downloads Added; 2: 13 Feb 2009: Download.

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